Essential Oils 101


Basically, in technical terms,  an essential oil is a liquid made from some sort of plant. :)  Essential oils are generally extracted by distillation, often by using steam.  Even if you aren't aware, they are used in perfumes, cosmetics, and soaps, for flavoring food and drink, and for adding scents to household cleaning products.  Essential oils have been used medicinally in history and date back to the Bible.   There are claims that there is an essential oil for every illness and ailment, it's just a matter of finding which one.


You can use Young Living essential oils in 3 ways:  diffusing, application and internally.  For diffusing essential oils, it is recommended you use a cold air diffuser.  Using a cold air diffuser saves the medicinal benefits of the oils as well as gives off an aroma.  If you heat the oil, the benefits of the oil disappears (even thought it still smells good).  For application, most oils can be applied to the bottom of the feet.  There are some oils that you can also apply elsewhere if it makes sense (i.e., lavender on your chest if you have a cough etc.).  If you don't know where to apply, apply to the feet.  Most oils can be applied neat (meaning straight from the bottle) and others need to be diluted with a carrier oil before they are applied (i.e., coconut oil, olive oil etc).  There are few oils for adults that actually need a carrier oil (oregano, cinnamon bark, lemongrass are a couple examples), but if you don't know, you should look it up. And most of the time, you can just Google it!  Other oils can be taken internally (and I am only speaking for Young Living oils when I make this claim).  


This is a great question (of course it is, I came up with it.  :).. )    I have a couple of thoughts on this one.  First of all, why not?  Essential oils can be the first defense against any and all ailments, sicknesses and to change your mood and focus.  They are natural, plant based oils and thus do not have side effects (if used in moderation of course, like everything).  That being said, essential oils have been my go-to before I try conventional medicine and my go-to when I need calming or a mental refresh.  I am not against conventional medicine by any means, but why not try something else first?  

In addition, can you remember a time you walked into a spa, walked out by the ocean, went outside on a beautiful day in the mountains and the smell relaxes you, puts you in a better mood and refreshes your spirit?  Aromatherapy is real.  You can diffuse and inhale certain oils that can improve your mood, improve your energy, improve your focus and you can change it as often as you would like.  

Lastly, there is an oil that stops my husband from snoring.  If that doesn't sell you, I am surprised, but also sure I can think of more.  :)

Welcome to the use of essential oils.  I hope we can share ideas and improve our moods and health!

And if you have any questions, please let us know!


If you are not yet using the oils, signing up is easy. The premium starter kit now comes with 11 oils (almost all of which are the oils that are used everyday and will be mentioned on this blog) and comes with a home diffuser. Simply follow these easy steps:
1. Go to
2. Click on “Member Sign-up” I’ve linked it (HERE)
3. You will have the option to be a Young Living Retail Customer OR Young Living Independent Distributer
(Becoming a retail customer allows you to place orders at retail price. Becoming a distributor allows you to place orders and save 24% off retails pricing. I HIGHLY recommend becoming a distributor because it’s FREE, no monthly purchases required, and no obligation to sell)
4. You will need to enter a SPONSOR ID and an ENROLLER ID. You will enter one of our MEMBER IDs FOR BOTH: Jenna # 1512827, or Allena #1513230
5. When you sign up as a distributor, you will then order your 1st STARTER KIT (that is under STEP 1 and I recommend the Premium Starter kit). STEP 2 will ask you to order an ESSENTIAL REWARDS KIT, but you can click the button on bottom to order that kit later.

{Of course, we are NOT doctors, and all tips on the blog are not meant to diagnose or cure anything.  We are just happily sharing what has been working for our families, in hopes that it will help with yours.  We also only refer to Young Living oils, as they are the only company that controls their seed to seal process, keeping their oils chemical free and pure.}

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